What I Wish I Knew for Legal Networking Events

What I Wish I Knew for Legal Networking Events

The mixer event.

What I Wish I Knew for Legal Networking Events


  1. Do Prepare an Elevator Pitch: Have a short, engaging spiel ready about who you are, your legal interests, and what you’re looking for. It’s not just about selling yourself; it’s about creating genuine interest and conversation.
  2. Do Research Attendees and Speakers: Knowing a bit about the key figures and fellow attendees can help tailor your conversations and questions, making them more meaningful and targeted.
  3. Do Follow-Up: If you’ve had a good chat with someone, send them a quick email or LinkedIn message saying it was great to meet them. Mention something specific from your conversation to jog their memory.
  4. Do Bring Business Cards: Yes, even as a student. It’s a professional and easy way to exchange contact info. Plus, it shows you’re serious about your career.
  5. Do Volunteer: Many events look for volunteers to help out. It’s a fantastic way to see the behind-the-scenes, meet organizers, and sometimes get free access to the event.


  1. Don’t Oversell Yourself: It’s about making connections, not closing a deal. Be genuine in your interactions rather than pushing too hard to impress.
  2. Don’t Stick to Your Comfort Zone: It’s easy to gravitate towards people you know or students at your level. Challenge yourself to talk to senior professionals and speakers.
  3. Don’t Forget to Listen: Networking isn’t just about talking; it’s about listening. Show genuine interest in what others have to say. It can be a goldmine of advice and insights.
  4. Don’t Overlook the Staff: People often aim to speak with the ‘big names’ at events. However, staff members and volunteers can be just as valuable to network with and can offer different perspectives or advice.
  5. Don’t Neglect the Follow-Up: Really, this one’s so important it’s worth repeating. Those follow-up messages can turn a brief encounter into a lasting connection.

Legal events that law students attend are about building a community and finding your place within it. Every conversation is a two-way street, and showing genuine interest and respect will always leave a lasting impression.


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